Delphinium tricorne is in the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). The word “delphinium” is derived from Greek, meaning dolphin. It refers to the shape of the bud, which, with imagination, could resemble a dolphin. Tricorne means “three horned” and refers to the three pointed seed pod.
Common names include Dwarf Larkspur, Spring Larkspur, and Rock larkspur. There are other larkspurs that are native to the same range. On Ozarkedge, Delphinium carolinianum or Carolina larkspur is a taller relative that blooms slightly later in the season.
Delphinium tricorne is absolutely one of our most beautiful native wildflowers. Each plant supports between 8-18 flowers with blooming proceeding from the base to the tip. Flower buds have a shape that is reminiscent of a dolphin.
Buds with dolphin shape Buds, flowers and seedpods
Each flower is 1 to 1.5 inches in length and consists of 5 sepals and 4 petals. Four of the sepals form the flower's shape, each having a small dimple near its tip. The 5th sepal is at the top of the flower. It projects backward and upward into a long spur. The spur contains the nectary. Short cottony hairs are present along the spur and bottom of the sepals.
The 4 petals form the inner portion of the flower and share the same color as the 4 dimpled sepals. The two upper petals are typically white at their base and quite small. These petals continue backward into the spur. The two lower petals are bearded with white hairs. These small petals surround the whitish opening that leads to the nectar spur.
Sepals with 'dimple' near tip White hairs on lower 2 petals
There are 3 inner pistils. The stamens are partially hidden but can often be seen projecting laterally behind the bearded petals. Their anthers are dark brown to black.
4 petals inner petals Stamen
There is a lovely variation in the flower's colors of these beautiful flowers. I’ve seen flowers of dark blue violet, variegated flowers of white petals with violet spurs and flowers of pure white with green tips. Each color has its own special beauty, but I have to admit, I’m partial to the dark blue violet.
Dark blue violet flowers Bright white flowers Dark violet with white Soft Violet and White
It’s too bad this beautiful wildflower has such a fleeting bloom time–usually only 3 or 4 weeks during April.
Delphinium tricorne is shorter than its non-woodland relations, only growing to a maximum of 2 ft tall. It has a single stem. The stem is thick, but weak and plants are often partially recumbent on the forest floor.
The hirsute stem is green, sometimes with a reddish tint toward the base. The amount of stem pubescence is variable but generally becomes more pubescent toward the top. The stem terminates into an open raceme of flowers.
Hirsute, reddish stem Glabrous stem Hairy stem by flowers Partially recumbent stem
Most of the leaves are basal, but one or two arise directly from the stem. Each leaf measures up to 4 inches across. They are palmate with 5 deeply cut lobes. These are further divided into shallow secondary lobes. Leaves are slightly pubescent and ciliate on the edges. They arise from stout petioles that are highly pubescent.
Basal leaves Stem and basal leaves Divided leaf Stem and basal leaves
The seed pod is 3 pronged and contains multiple dark brown seeds.

Although I've spent quite a bit of time observing these gorgeous flowers in nature, I haven't been able to document many pollinators and insect visitors. I've recorded bees, sphinx moths, syrphid flies, ants and a species of midge. Of these, the bees and sphinx moths are most likely pollinators. My goal this springe is to document additional pollinators such as Hummingbirds and other bees. I will also be on the lookout for butterflies and moths.
Unidentified Bee Snowberry clearwing moth
The syrphid flies, bee flies, ants and midges are not thought to be effective pollinators of Dwarf larkspur. Nevertheless, these insects are supported by this plant.
Syrphid fly Midge Ants Aphids
There are quite a few wildflowers growing in the rich woods alongside Delphinium tricorne. On Ozarkedge, some of these include Silene virginica (Fire pink), Phlox divaricata (Woodland phlox), Trillium recurvatum (Purple trillium), Thalictrum thalictroides (Rue Anenome), Rubus flagellaris (Blackberry), and Podophyllum peltatum (May apple). Spring grasses, woodland ferns and verdant mosses are the background for this April flower show. The trillium blooms are just starting to fade when the Delphinium tricorne begin and the May apples bloom just as the Delphinium are fading. I have to keep an eye out for one close friend- Toxicodendron radicans. This is the latin name for poison ivy, which seems to grow abundantly nearby and is the reason I wear gloves for all of my wildflower photography.
Delphinium tricorne is typically found in mesic woods and wooded, rocky slopes.
Woodland habitat Rocky woods
Delphinium tricorne is native throughout the Eastern United States and as far west as Nebraska. Natureserve shows uncertainty about its status in many states with multiple ranks such as S1S3 in Nebraska and S3S4 in Pennsylvania.
In Arkansas Delphinium tricorne has has a Conservation value of 8 (out of 10), meaning it has a strong fidelity to intact habitats.
The Hopi used the dark blue flowers to create a blue dye. All flowers in the Delphinium family are poisonous.